Guillaume Pilet

After graduating from ECAL, Lausanne University of Art and Design, Guillaume Pilet led a career mixing experimental and institutional, extralocal and international. Main personal exhibitions include: A certain, je ne sais quoi (CCS, Paris, 2008), Learning to Love (Kunsthaus, Glarus, 2014), Síntese Humanista (Kunsthalle, São Paulo, 2014), Dream a Little Drama (Primary, Nottingham, 2017), Biopic (MCBA, Lausanne, 2017), My Life as a Parade (CCSP, Paris, 2018). From 2010 to 2014, Pilet's practice focused on a peculiar project entitled Learning from Aping, consisting in a series of exhibitions, performances, videos and an archive and book collection. After 2014 and until 2018, Guillaume Pilet developed a new body of works under the title La Mesure Harmonique, mostly composed of ambitious performances. This led him to conceive The Dramaticon, an experimental pop opera inspired by his own childhood memories. As a curator, he organized many projects as a freelancer or in collectives (Forde Geneva, Tunnel Tunnel Lausanne)


Via Pazzalino 10
6962 Lugano

Bellerivestrasse 17
8008 Zürich

Rosengässchen 30
8200 Schaffhausen

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